Back pain and sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve)

The problem if you find pain in the lumbosacral spine is a phenomenon proven to many people, especially at the ages of 40-60 years. This ailment is known as sciatica or lumbar radiculopathy (radiculitis on the list of inhabitants). It is a chronic neurological pathology due to compression of the sciatic nerve. The condition is accompanied by intense pain, stiffness of movements plus a variety of other symptoms.

Sciatica is diagnosed in older adults of both sexes, often affecting women that are pregnant. Radiculitis does not pose a menace to life, nonetheless its quality reduces significantly, depriving someone of activity and ability to function. Therefore, if you worry you have sciatica, immediately contact a neurologist or chiropractor. Timely treatment will relieve pain, adequate diagnosis will identify and get rid of the source in the disease.

Factors behind inflammation from the sciatic nerve

Pain in sciatica occurs because of compression or irritation in the sciatic nerve. The causes of compression include your regional inflammation, trauma on the lumbosacral region as well as other factors:

– intervertebral hernia or disc protrusion;
– experience pathogenic microflora, including tubercle bacillus, streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci;
– infectious diseases – influenza, typhus, malaria, syphilis, scarlet fever;
– metabolic diseases – gout;
– local osteophytes;
– diabetes;
– spondylosis with the vertebrae in the lumbosacral region;
– osteocondritis of the spine;
– progression of cicatricial alterations in the exit zone of roots – – sciatic nerve;
various spinal injuries;
– scoliosis from the lumbosacral region.

The existence of sciatica affects the patient’s motor function. Together with pain from the small of the back, there is a loss of flexibility from the hips and pelvis, decreased sensitivity, limited mobility within the knee joint and ankle to the side of the lesion. Compression in the sciatic nerve can disrupt bowel and bladder function, causing the patient to try out fecal and urinary incontinence.

Signs of lumbar radiculopathy

The clinical picture of sciatica develops gradually. In the beginning, a little discomfort is felt inside the back, changing into tolerable pain. Irradiation of painful sensations is noted in the buttock and along the posterior projection from the thigh. During this period, an individual thinks he is simply sick and tired with physical labor and perceives the trouble since the norm. In the future, increased physical exercise can provoke a serious attack, if the pain literally fetters the body.

As well as stabbing, burning and shooting pain, vegetative and neurological disorders occur:

– decreased sensitivity in the limb to the side of the lesion;
– the alternative option – increased sensitivity from the buttocks and legs;
– weakness within the ankle;
– violation from the functionality with the pelvic organs.

Treatment and diagnosis of sciatica

Sciatica can manifest differently in different people. The examination commences with a brief history to distinguish concomitant diseases, which frequently helps you to establish the initial source of a pinched sciatic nerve.

This is followed by physical testing which usually structure provokes compression or irritation. Based on the link between diagnosing, the doctor provides the patient an in depth set of the identified pathology. Using a not enough information, a doctor can refer the individual to X-ray, CT and MRI.

The treatment regimen is determined by the reason for sciatic nerve compression. In the event the cause of sciatica is really a herniated disc, it’s well given chiropractic. After eliminating the reason for sciatica, its symptoms will disappear independently.

Usually do not torture yourself with pain and do not bring the situation to surgery. Promptly, contact professionals in the field of treatment of diseases from the musculoskeletal system, doctors with deep understanding of the anatomy and physiology with the body system.

For more information about Back pain and sciatica see this web portal

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